7th class student molested by plus 1 student

Dindigul, June 30 -

Dindigul Nearest Sanar Patti Vathalathoppam Patti belonged Gopal. His daughter Mala (age 12) have been renamed , 7 at a school in the same area - the class is studying.


Their cousin, the son of Krishna Saravanan (16). He's been playing regularly in the Mall. Mala's parents have left thinking that the relative son.


But has so far done great. Word of the incident, saying the desire to give to mala bought candy alone took Saravanan. Raped and coerced him. 2 people gathered his friends also say to them on his mechanics and they said they would have to flirt with the girl.


Inquired what had happened to his parents said. Consequently, Mala Dindigul Government hospital and admitted for treatment.

Mala tested by the doctors confirmed she was raped. Saravanan said that the only other people who also have the use of force.


Consequently, the Government continued intensive treatment is being given to the student in the hospital. Urban scene D.S.P Vanitha and conducted the investigation. Sanarpatti Police caught  Saravanan on a case and are investigating the matter. 2 libertine and police have been searching for.

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